Saturday, August 3, 2013

Our Day in Pictures

Whew. It's been awhile! Instead of a boring you with lengthy recap, I thought I'd show you what a typical day looks like for us.

Something I just started recently, that we are all enjoying is reading the boys a few chapters from a book while they eat breakfast. Currently we are reading The Boxcar Children. I used to love these books as a kid and it's been so fun to re-read them with the boys.

 After breakfast, the older two boys head upstairs to play or work on some summer school work. Logan and I stay behind and I get a chance to drink my coffee and give him his breakfast. It's so nice to spend some one on one time with him.

During the summer, we try to do something fun outside of the house each day or so. Mostly it's just something simple like a trip to the library, the pool or a play date. Other times there's activities or events going on around town and we'll do that. The local movie theater has free kid movies every Tuesday morning, the bowling alley has unlimited $4 bowling for kids on Thursday mornings. The Visitors Center downtown has a great children's program on the Civil War each week and the boys have really enjoyed that. Carter has been very interested in history lately, so that's been a great way to have fun and feed his interest.

 Next up, lunchtime!

I would love to say lunchtime is followed by naps, but alas Logan is the only one in this house who still takes one. So we have "quiet time" where the boys are supposed to read quietly or rest in their beds. But let's be honest-that is a rarity. It usually just ends up being semi-quiet playtime in their room. And ya know what? As long as they stay in their rooms, it's fine by me. ;)

The rest of the afternoon is spent taking care of things around the house or errands and then getting dinner ready. Every other week or so, my parents will watch the kiddos so we can have date night!! Woo!

Bonefish. The the food lover of my soul & one of our fave date night spots.

So there ya have, a lil peek into a typical day during the summer. :) 



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